Welcome to the Zettlr discussion forum! This forum is intended to be a place for users to help each other, and provide tips and tricks. The forum is intended to preserve the information and support that we share (e.g., via the Internet Archive), like the old forum.
Naturally, this comes with some rules of conduct as well as for acceptable content that we outline below. By contributing to this forum, you agree to be bound by these rules. In addition, please take note of the Terms of Service that you will be bound to as well.
This forum lives by user contributions. We strongly encourage you to sign up for an account and contribute. Any issue that someone has and that has been solved in this forum is an issue that others don't have to ask about anymore!
Rules & Conduct
Our forum rules do not differ from many other rulesets out there. First and foremost, we expect all participants in this forum to be excellent to each other and remain friendly at all times. We will immediately shut down any aggressive, hateful, or otherwise denigrating speech towards any member of our community and beyond.
- No hate speech: We do not tolerate any form of hate speech including, but not limited to, racism, antisemitism, LGBTQI*-hostile statements, trans- and homophobia, and anything that is targeted towards minorities.
- Be polite: We all have a bad day once in a while, but please keep this to yourself on this platform.
- No adult content: This is a civilized space, and as an open forum, we do not tolerate any content unsuitable for people under 18.
Since this is a forum dedicated to Zettlr, we expect most discussions to circle around the app itself, and related topics. Examples for suitable topics include:
- General help: Ask for help regarding whatever issue you have in using Zettlr, and help other users by replying to help requests.
- Discussion: General discussion around the app — what works well, what doesn't, and where do we need to improve it?
- Customization: How do you customize your app? Do you want to share some custom CSS that you use, or some templates?
- Tooling: Zettlr doesn't exist in a vacuum, and thus any discussion around further tooling (be it a workflow involving R, Python, other LaTeX tools, etc.) is great.
- Zettelkasten: Naturally, discussions about the Zettelkasten methodology.
- Development: Although probably less relevant to the everyday user, development issues may also be discussed here, especially where the regular GitHub issues section lacks in ability to enable discussions.
- Workflows: How do you use Zettlr? Or, how should you use it, given your use case? Share tips and stories!
We believe in healthy discussions, so we will not police the odd off-topic discussion. As long as the forum mostly keeps revolving around Zettlr, go ahead and share those cat pictures 😉 However, note that we reserve the right to delete any topic or reply at any time for whatever reason.
What You Can Do & What We Do
This forum is watched by a group of admins and mods whom you can contact at any time if you notice uncivil behavior, especially if this is directed against yourself. We will take immediate action to support the community in keeping this a safe space for everyone.
- Engage in discussions: This forum lives by user interaction, so we would love to see activity here.
- Flag posts: This forum is for the users by the users. We are just a small team and require your help in keeping the forum orderly. If you see posts that are spam, off-topic, or may violate these rules, please click the three dots below the post and select “Flag”. Provide a reason and submit your report. Our mods will then take a look and take further action, if needed.
- Use counter speech: If you notice bad behavior, say something and object publicly. Often, this shuts aggressors down.
- Admins & Mods have the final say: In case of disputes, the forum mods have the final say. Again, we want to be transparent and accountable, but sometimes it's easier to just ban hate instead of engaging with it.
Do you have any concerns with these rules? Do not hesitate and get in touch.
But now, have a great stay here at the Zettlr Discussion forums!